7 Amazing Ways For Entrepreneurs To Make First Startup With Million Dollars Price

Suppose you want to become a millionaire. Or a billionaire. The goal is quite clear, but the path could be the opposite.

Dharmesh Shah, co-founder of HubSpot, a company that recently went public, has a very clear vision on how to become a billionaire or reach the level of financial success to which you aspire.

An Entrepreneurs With First Million Dollars Startup
An Entrepreneurs With First Million Dollars Startup

Jeff Haden has collected his amazing tips on Inc.com :

To begin, the money should not be your priority. In fact, for Dharmesh, when talking about his definition of success, says money should occupy one of the last places in the list.

"For me, money does not matter much, though I will admit that at one point it does bother me much, probably because they did not have much money," said Dharmesh.

So suppose like millions of others, you want to be a millionaire. What kind of things you should do to increase the likelihood of being a new Millionaire ?, these are the steps you suggested this employer. They are not quick or easy, but are safer to look for shortcuts that many people look and do not give result.

1. Stop obsessing about money

Although it sounds contradictory, focusing solely on money is a distraction that keeps you build anything that will grow your wealth. So you have to change the perspective.

Must see money, not as the main objective, but as a byproduct of doing things the right way.

2. Start tracking the amount of people you help, albeit in a very small way

The most successful people I know, both financially and in other areas, are surprisingly useful. They are incredibly good at understanding other people and helping them achieve their goals. They know that their success is based ultimately on the success of the people around them.

So work hard to make other people succeed: its employees, customers, suppliers... because they know that if they can do that, then their success will occur through inertia.

They build a business - or career - from which they feel truly proud.

3. Stop thinking about making a million dollars and start thinking about how to serve one million people

When you have a few customers in your business and your goal is to make a lot of money, you have an incentive squeezing every last euro of those customers. But when you find a way to serve millions of people, many other benefits come; the effect of mouth grows, opportunities to improve your products and services are many older, you have more opportunity to hire more employees and learn from them...

In short, look for ways to serve one million people, serve incredibly well, and the money will sure. Your business will become this way on something that never came or never to dream.

4. Check the "make more money" as a way to do more

There are 2 types of people: One does things because he wants to make money; the more you make, the more money you make, but what do not care much for them. It's only money, and while win. The other wants to make more money, because that will allow more things; want to improve their product, they want to expand their line, they want to reach more people and deliver a better product to more people, and to do that they need money.

In the second case, they want to build a great company, and believe that their product could improve the lives of many people; that's your dream, and the only way to feed his dream is to earn enough money to make this possible. The most successful companies in the world evolve and grow, and as you earn money, reinvest for further improvement.

As Walt Disney said: "We do not make movies to make money, we make money to make movies."

5. Do one thing better than the rest

Choose one thing that is in demand. Become a maniac that thing. Learn everything you can about it, practice, evaluates qualifies. Be ruthless and self-critical.

Financially Successful people do at least one thing better than almost everyone around them.

Being an expert, or simply be excellent at something is your own reward, which will give a better reputation, greater sense of self-esteem, and generally a higher payroll.

6. Make a list of the top 10 people in the world in that thing

Choose to 10 people that you want to dedicate yourself and do not just admire them. Let them monitor, study what makes them so good, what they did to be so good, how they think and why they think.

For example, if you're a writer, chooses 10 great writers who have made it into the list of top 10 bestsellers. If you want to start a company, find 10 large employers and read everything you can about them.

If in doubt, to be the best, you must learn from the best.

7. Build routines, and continues the process

Success is achieved by constructing habits, develop routines and make steady progress monitoring.

Returning to the example in the authorship, to write a book of 300 pages, the easiest way to reach that goal is not to think 300 pages, but every day be required to write 10 pages extraordinarily well. Thus, in 30 days you will finish the book.

The same happens when you create a business. Most new entrepreneurs are obsessed with getting results already; something logical bearing in mind that the new company usually illiquid and charges can come over anytime.

But an employer must follow the same system, which is increasingly seeking ways to make new customers; not even that. Each visit potential clients, contact potential customers. Thus, each day the number of clients grows, and the money ends up going.

But we must always set goals and create routines that support these goals; fix what does not work, improve what can be improved and repeat the process until you exit properly.

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